Work Related Stress Management

Helping you perform better

Stress can be caused by problems at work, such as feeling inadequate, bullying, harassment, or poor working conditions. We adopt a proactive approach to identify work-related stress, protect employees and reduce potential sickness absence levels attributable to work-related stress. Our objective is to reduce sickness absence rates, increase morale, productivity and work efficiency. When work is rewarding and enjoyable, it can provide fulfilment and increase your organization’s productivity.

How our team can help

Our team provide interventions that will improve your workforce’s psychological resilience. Here are some ways we can support you.

Mental health specialists to assist in managing stress

Identifying key stressors and effective coping strategies

Programs and interventions to improve psychological resilience

Developing practical stress management techniques

Ongoing maintenance for your workforce's optimal mental health

Providing IT-based solutions and additional well-being services

A healthier workforce

Our specialised medical services are designed and delivered by experienced clinical teams, who provide a meaningful overview of health and wellbeing, supported by advice and guidance on appropriate steps for each individual to reduce associated risks.

Maximise performance

Let’s assist your organisation in fostering the optimal health and safety conditions required for sustained growth and profitability. Contact our team today.